This year two nests of Asian Hornet were found in Dorset and destroyed.
How many did we miss?
How many Queens are out there hibernating ready to start again in the Spring?
It is with these questions in mind that the South West Beekeepers Forum is organising an Asian Hornet Conference in January 2024 in Bridgwater.
- The list of speakers is on the web and is impressive including
- Megan Seymour - from the NBU
- Alistair Christie - from Jersey where they have loads of experience
- Dr. Peter Kennedy - from Exeter University
- Dr. Sandra Rojas Nossa- on the impact of Asian Hornet on biodiversity
- Quentin Rome - on the impact of Asian Hornet in France
- Bob Hogge - on the impact of Asian Hornet on beekeepers.
- The conference is in Bridgwater TA6 6LQ
- The cost to participate in the workshops is £10
- The date of the event is the 6th January 2024
- Full details are here.
- Tickets are selling well and with just 300 places available I suggest booking early.