Just watched an interesting debate on YouTube between a farmer who feels he has to use neonicotinoids and opponents of the decision.
It was chaired by the Wild Life Trusts. It is a long video, some 100 minutes, so for those who do not have the time to watch it I thought I would summarise the key points I got from it:
- The sugar beet industry is worth some £208 million per year to Britain
- Sugar beet plays an important role in the 1 in 4 or 1 in 6 crop rotation.
- This crop rotation is not allowed under this derogation.
- It is planted in the spring.
- It is harvested between October and February.
- It is harvested before it flowers so is not a source of food for bees.
- The Beet Yellows Virus is carried by aphids.
- The Beet Yellows Virus can reduce crop yields by up to 80%
- The neonicotinoid is applied as a pelleted seed.
- Protection lasts 10 to 14 weeks whilst the seedling is tender.
- The neonicotinoid lasts a lot longer in the soil.
- Warmer winters are resulting in more aphids hence more virus.
- The UK has tighter restrictions than the EU on the use of Neonicotinoids.
- We would import sugar beet from Brazil or Australia.
- Imports may contain pesticides our farmers may not use.
- Work to produce Beet Yellows Virus resistant strains is ongoing.
- Use of lace wings to eat the aphids is also being investigated.
- It is anticipated the aphid load will result in Neonicotinoids being used next year as well.
- Neonicotinoids were introduced to the UK in 1994 as a seed dressing.
- LD50 is Lethal dose 50% and is the amount of a pesticide required to kill 50% of the population.
- This is calculated in laboratory tests
- The LD50 value for thiamethoxam is 4 billionths of a gram per honey bee.
- That is one teaspoon (5 grams) will kill 1.25 billion bees
- That is 125 tons of dead bees or 4 large lorry loads - and all from a teaspoon of pesticide.
- In the last year before the ban the UK spread 110 tonnes of Neonicotinoids on the land.
- There is a lot of evidence that sublethal dose of Neonicotinoids severely affects insects.
- A sublethal dose can affect their navigation system
- A sublethal dose can damage their immune system.
- It is a systemic insecticide so it is taken up by the whole plant- leaves, flowers, pollen, nectar, fruit.
- If spread on pelleted seeds only 5% is taken up by that plant.
- 95% remains in the soil or washed into streams and aquifers.
- It is not just bees that are affected - all insects are affected.
- It is an insecticide - it is designed to kill insects.
- Bees can be seen as the equivalent of the canary in the coal mine.
- This derogation may mean there is less incentive to find alternatives.
- So far we have selectively bred Sugar Beet strains for yield not resistance.
- This is a prophylactic use of insecticide - apply it in case we get get a problem.
- Why not grow less sugar and replace it with fruit and veg?
- Obesity is costing this country £27 billion per year.
- Carbon footprint of sugar beet less than that of sugar cane.
- Farmers are advised by agronomists on crop treatments.
- Between 50% and 80% are tied to chemical companies.
- Alternatives include:
- Accept a lower yield
- Grow something else instead
- Breed different varieties of sugar beet
- Use natural aphid predators.
- Use less sugar - and that is down to all of us.
- DEFRA have advised the removal of flowering plants from treated field margins.
- This is to prevent insects being poisoned
- Instead of them being poisoned they can be starved!
- A scorched earth policy!
There may be alternatives to neonicotinoids but there are no alternatives to bees.